AusCham Members may face challenges and problems doing business in Vietnam - Our AusCham Advocacy Committee and Officer can assist you and your business to create a positive outcome.
What is Advocacy? Advocacy seeks to ensure that all members are able to: Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. Protect and promote their rights. Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their businesses and community.
As a business owner, what if one day you find yourself effected by a government decision that limits your effectiveness or impacts your bottom line? AusCham can represent you and your interests along with hundreds of other business voices sharing the same concerns as one voice. Our Advocacy Committee gathers feedback from you and our members, on issues of importance. Our Advocacy Officer and Committee carefully researches and develops solution-based recommendations - Together with the Board of Directors, an official stance is determined and the issue is advanced with the appropriate authorities.
In order to advocate more effectively on our members behalf, we need your help to identify what ongoing problems and barriers you face when trying to operate a business successfully in Vietnam. As we receive responses through our website we will compile key issues and problems arising and present through our channels; including in our advocacy discussions with the Australian Government in Vietnam and to the Vietnam Government through the Vietnam Business Forum.
Any issues that Members detail are treated in the strictest of confidence and the Chamber may contact you for further clarification or information should we believe it may assist with the advocacy process.
Please contact Huong Tran, AusCham Advocacy Officer at this LINK with your enquiries.